My husband gets a little carried away with flying the American flag during the summer. In the winter we have only 2 - the big flagpole in the front yard and the small one next to the front porch. But in the summer he adds lots of small flags because he loves how they look even though he has to move them all every time he mows the lawn. And I bought him 2 flag banners the other day to add to the porch railing on either side of the steps.
There are small flags and solar light all along the front sidewalk. And he has added small flags to 2 of my flower pots on the front steps. This one holds red petunias and something that smells like lemons. The other flag is in a pot of red geraniums on the top step.
The big flagpole is embedded in a big rock in the front yard. It's getting a bit rusty, so I'm guessing it didn't want to extend to it's full height when he put up the new flag the other day. It has a solar powered light at the base to light the flag at night. But I noticed last night that it didn't come on, so we'll have to check on that.
I was out on the porch this morning with my coffee and morning newspaper when 3 people walked by. They commented on how nice the flags all looked. I have to agree. It's a grand old flag!!
Oh I love all your flags! How very sweet. I love when people are patriotic and appreciative of our men and women that have served.
Nice! Seeing flags on display always makes my heart swell. I wish more people would fly Old Glory.
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Yes, it is a grand old flag! I love seeing flags on display.
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