I finally found time to spend in my sewing room. First task was to organize all of the flannel that I had - some just purchased, and some already in the drawer. I needed to see what options are here for baby quilts for the new babies coming into the extended family.
This farm print is adorable! My second task was to cut the parts needed for some self-binding baby blankets and get to sewing. There is now 1 farm themed blanket sewn, and 4 more blankets cut and ready to go. There was enough flannel to do 2 with this red/blue farm theme, 2 with the teal zoo theme, and one lavender one with bears on it. I put the pink pieces back in the drawer for now.
On top of the flannel in the drawer were several bags with various pre-cuts, some patterns, and even a couple of background fabrics. Now the drawer is JUST flannel. I sorted and organized those other items, and then decided that I would choose 1 to be my next "new" project. It wasn't even on the PIGS (projects in grocery sacks) list because I didn't realize they were in that drawer until today.
There were 2 charm packs of this Harvest Road line, and the pattern that came with them. These were from a recent Sew Sampler box from Fat Quarter Shop. I recognize a pattern of just shoving random things in drawers. Also in the drawer was a cream/grey polka dot background that I bought quite recently thinking it would work for a Quilt of Valor. It didn't look good with the other fabrics for the QOV, so evidently I stuck it in the drawer and totally forgot about it. And it's perfect with this Harvest Road color palette.

All of the pieces are now cut and labeled for this small quilt. You can't see all the colors here very well, but there is a dark blue, a warm brown, an pale icy blue, and a mossy green.
So now I have 3 things on my TO DO list for the end of 2019 (or beginning of 2020):
1. Finish the other 4 flannel blankets
2. Finish the pink/grey Hunter's Star top
3. Begin the Harvest Road blocks
Ooh, I like the polka dot fabric for the new project background.
You have some fun things going on in your sewing room! The farm print is just too cute!
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