
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

SAHRR 2025

 I've followed along for a few years with the Stay At Home Round Robin. Sometimes I've joined in on the fun, and sometimes I've actually participated.  The idea is that we choose our own center block, and then 6 designers will challenge us to add something each week.  

Last year I kept it small and mostly simple, but actually participated each week.  The center block is 12", so the "rounds" are each fairly small.  This one is currently sandwiched and ready to quilt.  I just need a plan.  It's on my PHD list for 2025, so I've committed myself to finishing it before the end of the year.

I think this will be my center/beginning block for 2025.  It's 12" x 20" and there is a small version too that could end up in the project as well, depending on what the weekly challenges might be.  With the rainbow of colors in the pineapple it shouldn't limit me with what colors to use each week.  

I know that I really shouldn't start any new projects when there are so many UFOs and WIPs going on around here.  But where is the fun in that?  You know that isn't going to stop me - or even slow me down - from starting new projects that catch my eye.  And yes, there are more new projects on my radar for 2025.


Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I love your rainbow pineapple, Sara!!!

Nann said...

Your Dresden lady is charming! And the pineapple will make the center of a bright and bold quilt.

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

This is a fun centre block. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do for the rounds :)

chrisknits said...

This will be perfect as you can add all sorts of color into your designs! I am planning on a very tonal project, using shades and values of teal, just because I have a bunch of FQs that are in a range of the color.

Quilting Gail said...

That's a fantastic centre block!!! I love all the colours!! Thank you for linking to the SAHRR'25 Centre Block!

Chantal said...

I like your lady from last year. I like that she is bordered by white strips on two sides but then the strips become rick-rack. What a great idea! Love it! Have fun this year with a full rainbow of colours. ;^)

Far Side of Fifty said...

The sunbonnet gal is great with the retro fabrics!

Tired Teacher said...

Eager to watch the progress of the pineapple project.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your pineapple will be fun to use as the center for your Round Robin! I've got plenty of WiPs and UFOs, too, but this QAL is too fun to pass up. Glad you're joining in, Sara!

Kate said...

What a fun center block! It's a hard sew along to resist, it's such fun.

Mary said...

Such a lovely rainbow pineapple center block!

LA Paylor said...

start new projects that make you excited to work with them! That keeps you going when You hit the middle stages where you question the whole thing!!! lol

piecefulwendy said...

I'm not telling how many UFOs and WIPs are going on here, but that's not stopping me from starting more! Haha! I love the pineapple center block with all that glorious color! Perfect! Glad you are sewing along with us!

grammajudyb said...

You pine block is fantastic. The quilt is sure to be a rainbow of loveliness.

Vicki in MN said...

I think you are going to have lots of fun with this rainbow pineapple your beginning block.

Jeanna said...

The pineapple block will make a great center for SAHRR. I'm joining for the first time and look forward to watching everyone's progress.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a great block to build on!!!