
Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Decluttering & a flimsy

 It's our 48th wedding anniversary today! Guess I'll keep him around for a little while longer.

My birthday was Monday.  He's good about giving me flowers, and red roses are my favorite. I will really enjoy them.  But one would think that after this many years he would realize I don't "do" houseplants.  And I no longer garden.  I have a brown thumb and rarely manage to keep anything alive very long.  

Yet he keeps finding interesting houseplants every year for our anniversary.  Maybe he's trying to tell me something.  This is a 3' tall Money Tree.  I got him strawberry bread pudding from our favorite local bakery.  And now I get to feel guilty for a couple of months while that poor plant tries to survive. I sound very un-grateful, don't I?

My weekly goals include putting 3 small quilt tops together using blocks that are already done.  I can happily report that 1 of those block sets is now a flimsy.

This is a lap-size quilt using the Anita's Arrowhead blocks that I rescued from a bag in a drawer last week and finished up.  Once it's quilted and bound it will most likely become a donation quilt.  It's so nice to throw away a now empty bag from that drawer.

Twinkle came back from the long arm quilter on Friday.  The navy blue binding was cut, so on Sunday afternoon I sewed those binding strips together, got them pressed and attached to the quilt.  This will be my evening hand work this week.  The quilting is gorgeous on it, so I'll be sharing a picture when the binding is done.

I'm continuing with the decluttering process, although this weekend I kind of jumped around instead of focusing on just one area of the house.  But there is still progress to report.  Last week Joy reported purging 65 balls of leftover yarn.  Her numbers jumped pretty high in one fell swoop!  I suggested she was cheating, but she reminded me that all is fair in love and decluttering.  LOL

That felt like a challenge to be met, so this week I have some bigger numbers to report too.  I went through a big stack of crafting and quilting magazines that had been saved WAY TOO LONG.  Next came a small purge of patterns and a few items that will go to my daughter's next rummage sale.  I have a box started for the rummage sale things.  And I cleared out a bunch of binders holding work paperwork no longer needed.


Deanna said...

Congratulations on 48 years. We will hit 30 next month.

Vicki in MN said...

Happy birthday 🎂 and happy anniversary!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I would rather get flowers and he keeps bringing home houseplants - the house is over run with plants and really I don't mind a couple but as many as I have is more work than I want.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday, too! Those are beautiful roses. Just reading back through your posts, because I want to make those Gameboard blocks. I'm just realizing, though, that my 16 patches would be 6 inches finished and I'm guessing yours are probably 4 inches? Maybe I'll just trim my already made 4 patches down. Have a great day, Sara - hope you have fun anniversary plans!

Miss Merry said...

Congratulations!! A money tree can't be all bad, lol.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Look at you go, Sara! Your list of decluttered items is growing nicely. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, and happy decluttering, too!!

Chantal said...

Happy birthday and anniversary. I guess March is your favourite month. I'm a serial plant killer too but money tree should be to hard to keep. Keep it moist but not wet and don't move it around too much. Oh look who's talking? lol. Enjoy the gorgeous roses and awesome job on the decluttering front. ;^)

Tired Teacher said...

Happy Birthday and Anniversary! The roses are gorgeous.

Kate said...

Happy birthday! Happy Anniversary! Fingers crossed the Monkey Tree is hard to kill. My Guy knows if he gets me a plant, he's taking care of it because I kill every thing. He worries when he goes on long business trips, he has to remind me to water everything while he's gone. Congrats on all the decluttering. That has to feel good.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary, how wonderful that he brings you flowers! House plants are hard...we don't have any plants or flowers inside the house due to breathing issues:)