
Monday, March 24, 2025

Design Wall Monday - March 24

Hello Monday!  March has seemed endless this year, and we haven't even been buried under snow like most years.  I'm currently caught up with the BOM and monthly sew-along projects.  That means I was thinking about new projects to start.  That could be dangerous.  Lately when feeling caught up with ongoing projects, I've pulled out a small kit for something that has been lying in a drawer.  That has worked out well. 

But right now it would make more sense to focus on using the block sets that are already done, and at the very least assemble them into quilt tops.  Or finish partially finished blocks.  I got 2 flimsies assembled last week from completed block sets, one for Quilts of Valor and one for a donation child quilt.  So far so good!   

I plan to assemble a flimsy from these 20 churn dash blocks.  Except for a few of the smaller 6.5" versions of the blocks, this will use up ALL the remaining churn dash blocks I've been making with novelty prints.  And the smaller ones might end up in a doll quilt.  

There are 20 of these Anita's Arrowhead blocks to make into a lap quilt.  Again, this was a project just waiting in a bag in a drawer with pattern and fabric gathered together.  I got the blocks finished last week.  The block pattern itself went into my binder for RSC blocks where I can find it.  Another empty bag!!  Yay!!

And then a reader prompted me to look for a Jelly Roll Race project that had been abandoned - and that caused me to dig into that purple bin.  

The hard work was already done because I had the Kaffe jelly roll strips already sewn into one long strip.  The plan had been to use that fish fabric somewhere in the middle of it all to break up all the wild prints and color.  The fish fabric was from the Giveaway table at guild.  So now that I've pulled this mess out of the bag (hidden in the drawer), it's time to deal with it.  It could become a fun child sized donation quilt.  

So, back to that purple bin - I emptied it completely and then sorted through everything in it.  Several fabric remnants have been set aside for the Giveaway table at guild.  A few small scrap pieces got cut into the squares or rectangles I commonly use.  And they are now in the appropriate little bin.  One larger piece is perfect for the back of a baby quilt.  Only kits went back into the bin.  Now - there are 4 more of those bins in that storage unit, and every one of them needs to be sorted and cleaned out. 

We'll see how the week goes, but my plan is to get 3 small quilt tops all assembled.  And maybe I'll get one more canvas bin sorted through. There is a large quilt ready for binding too, so there will be something to do while watching college basketball in the evenings.

I'm linking up today with:


cityquilter grace said...

empty spaces are sooo exhilarating!

Tired Teacher said...

I have no doubt that you’ll complete all of your goals this week. March does seem to be never ending this year. No snow, but LOTS of wind in my corner of Wyoming.

Kate said...

You've definitely been on a roll with moving various projects to completion this year. That has to feel good. It's funny, I think March sped by this year, you think it was endless. It's interesting how we each perceive time.