
Saturday, March 22, 2025

RSC25 - Week #12

Creative time this week saw a real mix of projects.  Two quilt tops were assembled using blocks that were already made.  One of those was a Quilt of Valor that I posted about earlier in the week.  The other is a Baby Churn Dash, in a somewhat girly colorway.  This is actually the second quilt top to come from these blocks.  The remaining stack of the blocks are more boy-ish colors, and that is on my To Do list for next week.  One by one, I'm getting some of the blocks sets from RSC made into tops and out of the closet and project boxes.   

Our guild used this idea for New Years Baby quilts a couple of years ago.  Each block is a combination of a solid and a novelty print.  And the blocks are 12" finished, or 6" finished.  I love making Churn Dash blocks so after making a bunch for guild, I've just kept making them.  The novelty prints are fun to shop for, and I've collected a lot of them on various shop hops.  Time to make use of them, right?

In between quilt top assembly I worked on a variety of current RSC blocks as Leaders/Enders.  The Gameboard blocks are totally scrappy.   

It's really easy to pull from the scrap bins to make these as the largest pieces are 2.5 x 4.5.   The squares come right out of the bins of squares already cut into 1.5" and 2.5".  So far I've only made 2 each month.  These will finish at 8".  I see that in that light blue block from last month I have the checkerboard turned the opposite direction as the rest.  Oops!  

Two more of the Travel Stars have been added, using yellow for the star points.  The centers are 6" squares shared by various members at guild. I've made 3 or 4 quilts using those squares over the years and there are still a LOT more squares to play with. 

And now a Public Service Announcement - there have been squirrels causing chaos this week again in my sewing room.    

Squirrel #1 - I've been seeing a lot of the Anita's Arrowhead blocks online lately.  It's an oldie but goody.  Since I've made it one of my missions in 2025 to reduce the number of projects lying around in bags, I searched for the bag I knew contained the pattern (downloaded ages ago) and 5 fat quarters I had planned to use including a yellow one.  Found it in a drawer!!  

That yellow dot has blue, green, orange, and brown in it, and there was a fat quarter of each in the bag.  Each fat quarter is just right to make 4 blocks.  Paired up with some neutral print backgrounds found in the stash provided a good start on what could be a small donation quilt.  Once the 4 yellow blocks were made, I moved on to the blue ones.  

Since taking the first picture I have the green, brown, and orange blocks almost finished too.  I'll have the blocks finished today - 4 of each color.  And assembling them into a lap quilt top will be one of next week's goals. 

Squirrel #2 - Of course you know how easily I get distracted.  Since I've been sewing quilt tops from various RSC block sets, it was time to come up with some new ideas.  I've been online looking for more ways to use scraps in particular.  And I came across a cute Dresden idea.  It was fairly easy to pull out anything in that yellow bin that was at least 3" by 6.5" to use for the Dresden blades.  I used the Easy Dresden ruler to cut 20 of them from yellow scraps in only about 15 minutes.

And in about 30 more minutes I had pink blades and blue blades cut as well.

  The plan is to use 5 blades in each block, and set them onto a grey background.  The blocks would be set on point, so the Dresden blades point upward.  I might change those circle pieces to black, instead of the colors.  But we'll see how it goes.  

 Check out more RSC projects at . . . 


Kate said...

Wow, you really got busy this week on those started/to be started projects. You'll have some great donation quilts this year.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your squirrels are very productive!! I really really really like that churn dash!!! what a fun one!!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Pretty churn dash quilt! I love how you combined different sizes. Fun to see your squirrel projects, too. Those Gameboard blocks might become one for me. I haven't seen them before, and they make a great design!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Lots of pretty projects!

Cathy said...

Oh, I like all your projects but especially like the Churn Dash idea of two different sized blocks. I like making Churn Dashes too so might be giving that idea a try as soon as I mark some of my other RSC quilts off the list. Sometimes I just like to make piles and piles of blocks from scraps and see how many quilts I can make from them. So that Churn Dash sounds like fun and can use different sizes of scraps too!

Barwitzki said...

I'm so excited to see how your Dresden project turns out... I'm planning on buying a stencil. I'm new to quilting :-))) and I'm excited about every block I can see.
Have fun!
Best wishes.

Jenny said...

Those cheeky squirrels have a lot to answer to!

Astrid said...

Wow, Sara! What a busy bee you've been! Love your Churn Dash quilt, so pretty. It's one of my favorite blocks too, but haven't made any in a while. All your blocks are so pretty and fun. Dresden plates have been on my bucket list for years, maybe that will be my next squirrel project?!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Oh my! So many fun blocks, each perfect for the RSC. I'm always impressed by people like you who have taken their scraps and cut them to usable sizes. You prove how this clearly pays off.