Saturday, September 30, 2023
RSC23 - Week #38
Thursday, September 28, 2023
September in Review
At the beginning of the month I set some very ambitious goals for myself. But today is the END of my sewing month. This afternoon I'm having my right hip replaced, so whatever I got done before now is all that is likely to happen, except for handwork. It was a couple of weeks before I was able to do the stairs comfortably after the first hip so I expect the same this time.
In the handwork stack for my recuperation time there is plenty of binding, and 2 small hand quilting projects to work on. There are 2 pair of pants to hem for a friend. And there are some kits to prep for sewing. I'll have enough to keep me busy hopefully.
- RSC color is Aqua - YES, several new ones
- misc block testing for new ideas - YES
- Borders added to Scrappiness Is Happiness quilt - NO
- Sunflower Sew Together bag - finish assembling - DONE
- Make 5-6 additional mug rugs from scraps - DONE - lots more - 20+
- Finish the guild challenge Crumb Quilting project - NO
- Saturday Sampler - new pieced block (month 9) - Yes, but may need to remake it
- Choose a PIG (project in grocery bag) to start in September - Christmas table topper & it is a finished top, ready to quilt
- Watermelon table topper #2 - quilt and bind - NO
- Quilts of Valor
- make 1 additional top - DONE
- bind 1 quilt - DONE
- wash & label 2 quilts - NOT YET
- Bind Pole Star (cruise quilt) - DONE
- Bind red/white wall hanging - ready to hand stitch the binding
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Autumn Wonders
I know, I know - it's not a good time to start anything the day before my surgery. But Pat Sloan's new sew-along had already tempted me. Autumn Wonders is the name, and one new FREE 12" block will be released each Wednesday. There are only 9 blocks total, so it's workable, right?
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Quilt of Valor sampler & kits
Three diagonal rows sewn together on Sunday, and then - OOPS! Time to get the seam ripper out because I turned that 3rd row upside down. It was an easy fix, but frustrating none the less. I may or may not get any more rows assembled before my hip surgery this week.
Monday, September 25, 2023
Design Wall Monday - September 25
Another start to a new week, and this is a week I've been anticipating for awhile. Three days from now I'll be getting my second hip replacement. Late Friday the results of the stress test came back showing nothing new the doctor was concerned about, so I've been cleared for surgery. It will be a huge relief to be able to walk without pain.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
RSC23 - Week #38
The Rainbow Scrap Challenge is one of my favorite things each week, because there is so much inspiration to fill me with joy!
Friday, September 22, 2023
Another new block
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Thursday highlights
Normally my husband doesn’t notice anything that might need cleaning. He’s just one of those people. And he rarely steps foot into my sewing room. But Wednesday he stopped in to chat, and commented that there were dust bunnies in the corner near my cutting table. LOL. I reminded him that I currently am struggling to bend or even walk some days. Cleaning wasn’t too high on my priority right now. Next thing I knew he was coming back in and vacuuming. Thank you, thank you!! Maybe I’ll have to keep him after all.
Digging around in the scrap bin to see what aqua was remaining, and I found some pieces with these cute snowmen. They demanded that I fussy cut a couple for mug rug centers. They are in the queue now for hand stitching the binding, which may happen today - just because.
I made this month’s block for Saturday Sampler yesterday, but I’m not at all happy with it. My fabric choices were not the best for this one. That dark green bothers me. So, I may have to remake it some other day with better color choices.
A few other things happened in the sewing room while I was down there, and tolerating the standing and sitting better than the day before. The binding is now attached to the second Quilt of Valor, so that will be my task the next few evenings I think.
And I finished sandwiching the mug rugs with backing and batting scraps. There are 20 of them ready to quilt and attach binding. I haven't counted them all, but am guessing that I've made almost 50 of these little mug rugs. Some are done. Some are not.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Mid-week check in . . .
After weeks of productive sewing I may have hit a temporary wall. Actually it has more to do with the hip pain than anything else as the stairs to my sewing room have seemed daunting the past couple of days. Even standing at the ironing board or sitting at my machine seem to be getting harder to tolerate. So, I've spent lots of time working on hand stitching the binding on a Quilt of Valor.
Yesterday afternoon I did venture down those stairs to my basement sewing room - knowing that coming back up would be difficult - and pressed another QOV binding so it's ready to attach. I'm hoping to do that sometime today.
While downstairs yesterday I also pulled out the project box that holds a bunch of orphan blocks to see what other goodies might be in there. I found 3 more 6" blocks that would make good mug rugs.
I did sit down at my machine long enough to quilt 3 more of the mug rugs that were sandwiched and waiting. My intention was to get my Saturday Sampler block made too but that didn't happen.
On the health front my second hip replacement surgery has gone from scheduled for next week to "tentative". My pre-op physical included an EKG, and then another EKG, and then a stress test scheduled. My irregular heartbeat has been controlled for several years by medication. However, now they see some changes they didn't like - hence the stress test which will be done on Friday morning. In the meantime I'm still required to stop taking any pain meds/anti-inflammatory meds for the 2 weeks prior to surgery - just in case I can still have that hip replaced. So it's a waiting game for me.
Monday, September 18, 2023
Design Wall Monday - September 18
It was a good weekend, and I actually feel ready to tackle a new week. Saturday morning I left - by myself - to drive to Sioux Falls for grandson Jack's flag football game. And I left early enough to make a couple of stops to shop before the game. Can't remember the last opportunity I had to shop without an impatient husband along. He had golf plans for the whole weekend, so he didn't miss me at all. LOL

Saturday, September 16, 2023
RSC23 - Week #37
Only a little aqua came out to play this week. But LOTS of scraps have been getting attention.
Friday, September 15, 2023
On a roll
Yup - still playing with the small mug rugs. Are you getting bored with these yet?
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Sticking to a plan?
No, I'm still not sticking to my plan for the week. But I do feel like I've made some progress on things that are Works In Progress.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Wednesday check-in
Today I have my pre-op physical required before my September 28th hip replacement surgery. I just had my annual physical in April, and I doubt anything has changed. But it's a requirement. It cuts into my sewing time for sure. Labs at 8:30 and then the physical at 1:00.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
To Do Tuesday
Yesterday morning I didn't get to my sewing room until much later than usual because we had a guy here to do bat mitigation. Shudder!! He had already done a walk-around last week, but did another this morning before plugging little openings along our roof. He also went through our whole attic area but didn't find anything concerning. And he put in an "escape cone" just in case any were hiding in that attic. It allows them to exit but not to come back inside. Again - shudder!!
One important task for this week that I totally forgot about in yesterday's post - binding for 2 Quilts of Valor. The strips are now cut and sewn together. Maybe today I'll get them pressed and ready to attach to the quilts. These 2 quilts will be awarded sometime this fall unless rescheduled.
Monday, September 11, 2023
Design Wall Monday - Sept 11
September 11 once again. My youngest daughter was a senior in high school, and I was teaching in that same high school on the "original" 9/11. It's hard to believe it has been 22 years ago already.
Saturday, September 9, 2023
RSC23 Week #36
It's my favorite Saturday of the month! Every second Saturday there is Saturday Sampler at The Pin Cushion in the morning, and then our Sew Vintage group gathers in the afternoon. The other thing happening today is a Sew Day for our guild, which I may pop into for a little while. The Sew Vintage group is just my favorite. The photo below is from almost 4 years ago. A couple of current members are missing from the photo, and one of these ladies has moved away.
A second Dutchman's Puzzle block used a slightly darker aqua, along with orange. I'm making these with batiks for the geese, and scrappy white-on-white backgrounds.
Friday, September 8, 2023
Sew Together bag #20 and more
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Binding & bags
I'm very excited because the "cruise quilt" is back from the quilter. Becki is the young woman who quilted this for me, and it's very pretty. The dark blue binding is attached and today I'll begin the hand stitching.
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Mid-week progress?
Progress has been made on my secret guild challenge project - but I just can't share it. However, it is halfway quilted so that is positive progress.
A bit of progress can be reported for other projects. Two rows of the Quilt of Valor sampler have been sewn together along with long sashing strips to separate them. Three rows remain. More scraps have been cut and organized for on-going scrappy projects and future scrappy projects. Why does the quantity never seem to decrease? Hmmm . . . . . .
The Sew Together bag that was kitted up and ready to sew also has seen progress. The hardest part is done except for some handwork. Sewing those side panels onto the lining and then attaching the whole thing to the front is a slow process because there are so many layers: the outer fabric, the batting, pockets, interfacing, side panel, and binding to finish the edge.