
Saturday, August 3, 2024

RSC24 - Week #31

Week 31 already!! Yikes!!

Our town had a big power outage yesterday evening, starting about 6 pm.  Fortunately we had power (and AC) but had no Internet or TV.  That turned out to be a blessing because we spent the evening at the kitchen table playing board games and card games with 2 grandkids and our daughter who are here for the weekend.  What fun!  And this morning our Internet is back up like normal. 

There are 3 sets of RSC blocks that are nearing the finish line, with nearly enough for a whole quilt top.  One of those sets is the Churn Dash blocks with the 16-patch centers made from 1.5" squares.  The 16-patch units were mostly sewn during a February retreat.  That made it easy to pull out the appropriate color each month.  I got 5 new Churn Dash blocks made this week, but still need a few more.

One black block, and one brown block joined the party.

And these 3 orange Churn Dash blocks happened too.  There are a couple of the 16-patch units left in the bag yet.  And there are lots of 1.5" squares in the bag too, when I need more 16-patch units. 

This 12" square vinyl front project pouch was a quick finish this week.  It's a gift for someone who loves maps, and won't be needed until fall.  But it's done and ready to fill up with a few small goodies before sending it off to the recipient.

A few more Kitty blocks bring me closer to having enough for a whole quilt.  The top 3 rows of the quilt top are sewn together already, but I'll wait until I have enough blocks before laying out the rest of the rows.

I'm linking up with Rainbow Scrap Challenge . . .


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your churn dashes with the 16 patch centers! They are pretty in every color. And the orange kitties - so cute. Your evening without internet sounds lovely!

Kate said...

You've done well on keeping up with your RSC blocks this year. Looking forward to seeing the kitty one all finished.

a good yarn said...

You have some terrific projects on the go. A good experience for your grandkids to see that you can still have fun without the tv or internet.

Jenny said...

Pretty cat blocks. Will you be keeping this one for yourself?

Sue said...

Can't wait to see the Churn Dash/16 patch all together. Those are such cute blocks & I'm not a real Churn Dash lover. ;)

Susie H said...

Great job on the 16-patch Churn Dash blocks and I love those kitties! Have a great weekend.

Nann said...

I do like those checkerboard churn dash blocks!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I love to play cards and board games so it sounds like a perfect evening to me! Your blocks are all so pretty:)

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Cute churn dashes with patchwork centers and cute kitties!