- Frog Quick Strippee child size quilt (get to flimsy stage) - Flimsy is DONE
- Michelle's blue runner - ** PRIORITY - DONE & mailed to her
Blue/white snowflake pillow- DONE- Saturday Sampler - Month #1 - DONE
- Scrappiness Is Happiness sew-along (blocks) - Through block #11 done
- Sewcialites sew-along (blocks) - Through block #12 done
- Humble Homes - finish at least ONE row (big UFO project) - not touched
- find backing for blue/white Riley Blake quilt - backing purchased, in hands of quilter
- Quilt of Valor blocks and/or tops - not touched
- Bag progress
finish Cocktails bag- DONE- forward progress on Cats bag - sides made, front quilted
- RSC blocks (bright and dark blue)
- Pyramid blocks - 6 new blocks made
- Framed Friendship blocks - boy version blocks finished, flimsy assembled
- Rainbow Connection (string) blocks - 2 new blocks made
- Plaid blocks - 6 new blocks made
- Irish Chain blocks - 8 new blocks made
- small heart blocks - 4 new blocks made
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
January review
Monday, January 30, 2023
Design Wall Monday - next UFO in line
Since I'm working on binding one UFO, I pulled out another on Friday for some planning.

Saturday, January 28, 2023
RSC23 - week #4
A bit of blue happened this week in my sewing room.
Thursday, January 26, 2023
New binding to do
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
More Sewcialites blocks
In a previous post a couple weeks ago, I showed 2 possible layout ideas for adding the 3" red/white Sewcialites blocks to last years beginning of the Stay At Home Round Robin. Most readers liked the layout option with those diamonds on opposite corners turned into stars.
Monday, January 23, 2023
Design Wall Monday - catching up
After a week away, it felt so good to spend several productive hours in my sewing room on Sunday. I managed to get both the 9” and 6” versions of the Sewcialites block #11 and #12.
We’ve reached the halfway point, and it’s really fun to see these blocks come together.
The 9" blocks are the ones I'm making in greens and cream. Totally scrappy. And so far, these might be my favorites.
I couldn't just throw away the triangles trimmed from those Flying Geese, so I sewed them into hourglass blocks. These may end up on the back of the quilt.
I’m linking up with Design Wall Monday:
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Itchin' to be Stitchin"
Itchin' to be stitchin'. A blog friend said this to me this morning and she is right on target. After being gone all week with ZERO sewing time, I'm just itching to get back into my sewing room. Maybe this evening or tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Planning for Saturday Sampler
The new Saturday Sampler program is a mix of pieced and appliqué blocks. I’ve been playing with various color schemes and might have a plan in mind finally. I picked up the first month’s pattern on Monday before leaving town for work. Now I’ll have to wait for Saturday before starting.
Monday, January 16, 2023
Design Wall Monday - Wintery runners
What is on your design wall today?
My design wall is mostly empty in anticipation of a long week of meetings and training for work, and almost no sewing time, except for maybe a little handwork in the evenings. I did finish the long skinny Wintery runner on Sunday evening, and it will go into the mail this week. It's 11" by 48", made especially to fit a buffet.
The color is very close to the actual icy blue in this photo. It's such a pretty batik, with that touch of yellow. The 5 blocks in the first runner are 6.5" versions of the full size blocks in this runner I'm still working on. This one has only 3 blocks, and has squared off ends rather than points. I'm planning to quilt this one pretty much like the smaller one, with simple straight lines.
Saturday, January 14, 2023
RSC23 - Week #2
Hmmm . . . not a lot of blue sewing happened this week other than this wintery runner, in 2 sizes. This one has 3 blocks (each 12"), with sashing and borders. The other version has the blocks done in half that size, but more of them. I'm still working on those smaller blocks. The second runner needs to fit on a buffet that is only 1 foot wide, but 5 feet long. I made the bigger sized one for myself, and as a "test" to make sure I like the colors before making the one that was requested by someone else. The colors are much prettier, and very "icy" looking in real life rather than the grey light coming in the windows.
Plenty of sewing time did happen the first half of the week, and much of it was scrappy. Just not necessarily blue scrappy.
Friday, January 13, 2023
Work gets in the way of fun
Once a year there is an "all hands" meeting and training schedule for my very part time job. Next week is that week for 2023. I'll most likely be MIA from my blog a good share of next week, as there will probably be nothing interesting to talk about or share. Looking at the schedule of topics, I'm hoping that I'll be excused for part of Thursday and I can escape to do a little shopping.
And my monthly hours to update project budgets came yesterday and today. That severely cuts into my sewing time - but I keep reminding myself that I'm earning my "fun money" every hour I work.
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Sewcialites - some planning
Block #10 is finished in all 4 of my colors, just in time for today's release of Block #11. Does that mean I'm actually behind and not really caught up? LOL
Or should I replace the white corners with the diamonds and squares to make all 4 corners look alike? Then I can put the little squares around. This version reduces the large areas of white.
I can't decide which layout I like better, so I welcome your thoughts. Or maybe someone out there will have a NEW idea to try. Thanks in advance!
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Sewcialites block 10
The Sewcialites 2, block #10 has been a challenge! It's called Flourish by Lori Holt.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Tuesday To Do
The Framed Friendship Squares blocks are now assembled into a flimsy, and it's hanging up waiting for it's turn to be quilted. There is no rush on it, but it will be a donation quilt. Plus it's nice to have 20 of those blocks out of the project box. There are nearly enough for a second quilt, but that can wait.
Now back to my January project list . . .
Monday, January 9, 2023
Design Wall Monday - friendship squares
First of all - a little bragging is in order. The South Dakota State University Jackrabbits won their first ever national championship on Sunday, beating their arch football rivals NDSU in Frisco Texas in the FCS championship game. I stole the photo below from Facebook. It sure was fun to watch (on TV) the game and cheer on my alma mater.
The quilt guild I belong to has a long standing tradition, of sharing "friendship squares" when they travel and get to visit quilt shops. We cut a 6" square for each member. And since we are a fairly small guild, it is not a huge investment. And of course it's voluntary, but definitely a fun tradition.
After the guild meeting on Saturday, I realized I had quite a stack of new blocks from several months' meetings in my "guild bag" to add to the project box at home where I keep them. Back in 2016 I used a bunch of the squares as star centers, and called the quilt Traveling Stars. It's queen sized, and lives on the bed in our basement guest room.
Over the years a few of these squares have been used in other projects too, when I needed just one square of something. One of my guild friends mentioned as we were leaving the meeting that the Beads block we're doing for Quilts of Valor would be another good use of the friendship squares. Yes!! So of course when I got home I just HAD to try that idea out immediately, right?
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Frosty morn
This was the view down our street yesterday morning . . .
Saturday, January 7, 2023
RSC23 - week #1 of blue
Isn't it fun to start a new color at the beginning of a month? Thank you to Angela for hosting the Rainbow Scrap Challenge each year! The main blue project I worked on this week was finishing the Snowflake pillow that I posted about yesterday.
I did play with other blue projects this week too. There are several on-going block sets happening around here that will eventually become quilts. And I've "fluffed up" the blue scraps so the bin looks more full than it did before.
A few pyramid blocks were made too. These have scrappy backgrounds - some white, some beige/tan/cream, some neutral prints. I didn't count, but I think there are about 30 of these blocks hanging in the closet. They are 12" tall, but I want to make a big quilt with them, so will need more.
And 1 new Stashbuster block (from Border Creek Stations) joined the first 2 test blocks I made last fall. This was their 2022 stashbuster challenge block, and finishes at 10". There is a new block for their 2023 challenge, and patterns from previous years' challenges. The patterns are free, and the new block for 2023 has instructions for 3 different sizes.
What are you playing with in 2023 for RSC?
Friday, January 6, 2023
Snowflakes, frogs, and puzzles
The first flimsy of 2023 has been sewn, and is ready to quilt. It still needed a good final pressing when I took this photo. But it's a bright happy quilt.
Another small finish happened while being snowed in this week - this seasonal Snowflake pillow. Navy blue solid is paired with a white dotted Swiss white-on-white print. This was a kit purchased last year as part of a Pillow of the Month program. It's 20" square, and has a simple envelope back. The edges are done with binding. I kept the quilting simple, but did it myself.
Besides sewing and shoveling snow, what else is there to do? Well, I started a puzzle and this one is going to be tricky. It's a Christmas gift from this year. This is called an "escape puzzle", and evidently there is a mystery to solve AFTER you get the puzzle put together by following clues on the pieces. The other tricky thing - the picture on the box isn't EXACTLY what the finished puzzle will look like. This puzzle may be on my coffee table for a long time if I'm not smart enough.