Shooting Stars still needs the narrow background border added, but all of the colorful blocks are finished and the rows are all assembled. I love it as is.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Shooting Stars is a rainbow
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Kids & progress on Shooting Stars

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Favorite quilts
Do you have favorites among the quilts you've made - and kept - over the years? I really enjoy decorating with quilts around my house. And right now, some of my very favorites are on display.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
To Do Tuesday
Yesterday I didn't spend much time sewing, but I did run lots of errands. Got my 2nd Covid booster and I'm happy to say other than a sore arm I feel fine today. I had a headache really early this morning but that has gone away. Maybe sleeping in today was the cure!
I did get 2 blocks made for Quilts of Valor yesterday, and also finished the green Shooting Stars block that I was working on Sunday.
My main goal today - is to wait for a plumber to show up to work on the leaking dishwasher connection. That means I will stay upstairs and work on binding, because I don't always hear the doorbell from my basement sewing room.
Monday, April 25, 2022
Design Wall Monday - Shooting Stars
The first 3 rows of Shooting Stars are made, and I have a good start on the fourth row.

Sunday, April 24, 2022
This n that . . .
Saturday morning turned into a cleaning project I hadn't anticipated. The benefit of walking around barefoot is you find the wet spots when there is a leak under the kitchen sink. The rug was damp, and that led to unloading everything from under the sink. We've run water in the sink to try to find the problem but didn't figure it out yet. My guess it's either the connection to the dishwasher or to that blue filtration system. Either way we had a mess to clean up, and a plumber to call on Monday morning. Why do these things always happen on weekends or holidays?
Saturday afternoon I escaped the kitchen mess, and enjoyed some time with friends attending a fun program put on by a couple of local ladies. "If Quilts Could Talk" is a wonderful combination of an antique quilt trunk show, historical quilting stories, and humor. I've seen their program several times over the years, but this was their "farewell" event as they plan to retire. I took this photo last October at our guild quilt show. They've kept a log of presentations and have given 104 presentations over the past 23 years. Saturday's show was #105.
Saturday, April 23, 2022
A whole rainbow of colors
This was a week of mostly focus on assembling some tops, and getting ready to bind some projects. It was also a good week to cut all the pieces for a brand new project.
One of the tops I finished earlier in the week is a 44" square baby quilt made from all pink Snail's Trail blocks. This was a very quick project, and all of the fabrics were pulled from the stash or the scraps bin. It will hang in the closet for awhile until I need it.

Friday, April 22, 2022
Blue and white - Riley Blake Design block challenge
Anyone else having problems with Bloglovin' lately? I use it often on my iPad or phone to read a lot of content, but in the past couple of weeks it just doesn't want to load. Or I get error messages when trying to leave a comment. I hope they get their problems solved. At least when posting on my blog and using my laptop, it has worked OK.
A bit of blue and white provided a change from pink, pink, pink. This is block #13 of the Riley Blake Design block challenge, Double Cross by Sue Daley. I believe that means there will be 3 final blocks introduced in April.
Not the best photo, but at least I have a good idea of the variety of blues I've used so far. And speaking of Kim Diehl projects . . .
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Pink Snail's Trail
Another baby quilt top is hanging in the closet, waiting for quilting. Most likely this one will end up being a donation quilt. Or possibly a future baby gift.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Saturday Sampler - 6 blocks
I have no idea yet just how these will go together, but there will be enough of these extra blocks for 2 quilts this year. Most likely these will become donation quilts.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Barn Silo flimsy
I headed down to my sewing room yesterday morning after catching up with my online students. There was plenty of time to play while waiting on a project proposal that one of the engineers wanted me to review and edit. Uninterrupted time basically until about 2:30 when the proposal document finally showed up in my email - Yay!!
Barn Silo was one of the main goals I set for this week. It is now a flimsy, and ready to put into the hands of someone else to quilt. This is a wall hanging and is about 51" square.
Having someone professionally quilt several projects can get quite expensive. But I decided this winter that the extra money I earned by teaching online again (reluctantly) this semester would go toward long arm quilting several UFO projects. That put a positive spin on the extra time involved in teaching again after I thought I was retired from that job.
Monday, April 18, 2022
Design Wall Monday - April 18
These 3 projects are my main goals for this week, but there is also some binding to work on if I end up with some time.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
A third week of pink fun
No sewing will happen today, because we're celebrating April birthdays today. The plan is sending grandpa and the 2 sons-in-law to Great Shots to use their gift cards. And the daughters and I will hang out with the kids, relax, and prep the food. We're skipping the traditional Easter dinner, and grilling burgers and brats. And using paper plates! Lots of picnic-style sides and some birthday treats will round it out. Just a good day spent together.
More pink fun was had this week . . .
This Twinkle Star block happened. I love these blocks so much, and just keep making them because they're fun to make and so cute. I guess I should pull out the project box and count the blocks to see if I'm close to having enough for a quilt.
I blame the online quilting communities for this squirrel, but it's a good side track I think. I saw Snail's Trail blocks on a couple of blogs this past week or so - ranging from RSC colors to blue plaid. And I just couldn't resist making one Snail's Trail block last Saturday morning before going to Sew Vintage. I began thinking since the pink stash drawer is nearly too full to close that this would be a good project for an all pink baby quilt made of Snail's Trail blocks. And there was enough of this pink print to make another little heart block.
And then during this past week, this happened . . . with more cut out and ready to sew.
Two more were sewn from those little block kits on Wednesday. There might NOT be a little heart block to go with each one however, but we'll see.
I think 9 of these 12" blocks would make a nice baby quilt if I add a border. There is still plenty of pink in that drawer, and these blocks haven't made much of a dent. So maybe there will be more than 9 blocks eventually.
I looked back on my blog and in 2014 I made Snail's Trail blocks for RSC. Actually I used the Eleanor Burns pattern with a solid center that she called Pig Tail. That quilt was so pretty in all kinds of bright fun fabrics, and it was given away as a wedding gift that next summer.
A couple of the Friendship Square blocks were also made. I'm thinking I will divide these up into 2 quilts - one with more of a "boy" feel to it, and the other for a girl. These should make very nice donation quilts.
And there was even a pink barn block added to the Barn Silo project.
What else happened in the Rainbow Scrap world this week?
Friday, April 15, 2022
Blue Hexies is complete
I finished binding the Blue Hexie wall hanging. Blue Hexie was a slowly evolving project, a "design as you go" - over a period of almost 7 years.

This set of blue batik 2.5" strips kept calling to me, and eventually became a dark inner border, and then a piano key border. I even mitered the corners. There were plenty of strips left to do the binding. And the remainder of these blue strips are now living in the batik stash.
Now I have more binding to do. On Tuesday I picked up this quilt from the long armer. I absolutely LOVE the variegated thread she chose, and the design she used. Great job!