
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Mid-week check-in & May goals

A little bit at a time I'm whittling away at the scraps.  Here is the latest scrap project.

This cute print - chubby ladies wearing bathing suits that look like the fruit they are shaped like - was in the Big Grey Tote.  There was a strip of this that was 7" wide, and I managed to get 6 mug rugs out of that strip.  I know there is another chunk of this fabric in one of the drawers, that I think was set aside to make a pillow cover.  My 2024 project spreadsheet says I've made 37 mug rugs so far this year.  I think these will make cute gifts.  

May goals have been floating around in my head, but those goals seem to change on a daily basis when I see something else I should be finishing, or something I want to start.  

** keep up with Saturday Sampler
** finish Riley Blake challenge blocks
** assemble Rainbow Connection blocks into flimsy
** bind one UFO
** lots of pink RSC blocks
** finish 2 pillowcases & 2 project bags (partially done)
** choose one new project/PIG

And, my biggest goal?
** FINISH emptying the Big Grey Tote!


Vicki in MN said...

You'll meet your May goal in no time:)

Kate said...

Very fun mug rugs. You've done such a good job of not only cleaning out the big gray tote, but finishing off or using up what you've found. Good luck completing that task.

Nann said...

Is the "end" in sight? Certainly for the fruit-bottom ladies, but more importantly for the Big Grey Tote.

Ramona said...

I had (or have) this fabric, too! It looks great as mug rugs. :)