I think Angela at https://superscrappy.blogspot.com/ could read my mind, because the color she chose for January to begin RSC24 is GREEN. Green may be the single most Out Of Control color in my scraps and in my stash.
My scraps are mostly sorted by color into these canvas cubes - 6" high and 12" on each side. The green cube is definitely overflowing. It's a color I use frequently. Only the blue cube has more, but it's a bigger cube, and mixed in with purples too.

Even the green stash drawer is out of control right now. I can't close the drawer completely, even with the fabrics refolded more neatly. Green needs a larger drawer but that isn't happening.
Looking at the green scraps I'm thinking a good start would be to sort that cube into lights and darks, and sew some string blocks.
But first I need to make some progress on the Saturday Sampler project, and on putting away the Christmas decorations. And hey - there is some green in those Saturday Sampler blocks.
I have way too much in my green bins also that need some use
Good luck with green-taming this month!
Sounds like you've got a good reason to do a lot of RSC blocks this month. Good luck using up some of those odds and ends so you can close the drawer again.
I rarely sew with green, so it’s not prominent in my scrap bins.
Sounds like green is the color for the month and well chosen!
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