Small heart blocks (4.5") have been one of my on-going RSC projects for a couple of years now. It will take a LOT of 4.5" blocks to make a whole quilt. But I have plenty of patience with these, and they are so easy to just make a few at a time.
I make a few at a time each month, and they go into this little plastic box. I also cut the 2.5" by 4.5" strips of scraps as I'm sewing and drop those in too. The box contains lots of different colors of strips, and a whole rainbow of completed hearts.
Earlier in the month I made a couple of green hearts, but this week I remembered there were lots more green parts in the box. So, 2 more green ones were finished along with 5 additional blocks in other colors. These were all clipped together with the white pieces so it was a quick task. I also realized I had more than enough hearts now to make a 5th vertical column to add to the quilt top in progress.

And when I laid the existing quilt top section out to decide what colors to add next - I saw the error in that Column #4. The hearts are supposed to zig-zag down the column, but that purple block should have lined up with the blue-ish one below the yellow heart. Oops!! I've had this quilt top section hanging next to my design wall - which I face when at my sewing machine - for about 2 months and never noticed that mistake. In that first photo - there was another oops - again without the zig-zag.
It was a quick fix with my seam ripper in both cases. I took out the purple heart along with the horizontal strip below it. Then I just inserted a different block that was correctly aligned. The purple heart went right into Column #5 as I assembled that one. The block in that first picture was also moved.
At this point this quilt top is only 30" wide, so there will be more columns added. Obviously there is no rush so these will continue as RSC blocks.
Check out more in the RAINBOW world this week.
Check out more in the RAINBOW world this week.
a pretty heart quilt is it for someone special - or don't know yet?
I like how you are off setting the hearts and mixing up all the colors! It's gonna be great!
Great use of small scraps: the hearts are adorable.
I love your hearts, and the columns are coming together wonderfully! So frustrating to have that mistake staring right out at you for all that time, but glad it wasn't too hard to fix. We've all had that happen!
that's going to be pretty!
I just love these hearts. I guess I didn't realize you were putting them together already, but what a great idea. Quilt top as you go!
At least you saw the mistake. I was staring at a quilt hanging in the dining room that had been up for months and made years ago... and just noticed I had a block turned wrong! Oops. I love your hearts. Sew pretty.
Your heart blocks are so pretty. Glad you saw the opps in time for an easy fix.
Adorable scrappy hearts, and such a cute idea for setting them! I look forward to seeing the quilt grow.
Wow, what a great collection of heart blocks, Sara!!! So cute!!!
I really like how this heart quilt is shaping up.
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