There is always the danger of my short attention span getting in the way of focused sewing, because we all know there are so many exciting NEW projects calling to me.
So . . . to give myself a break between Farmers Wife Sampler sewing, I have to work on some bright colors and other things. I had a stack of 10 pillowcases kitted up, and decided to pull a couple of them off the top to prep for a Leader/Ender option.
The easy thing about these is that to finish a pillowcase (using the sausage roll system) only requires 5 seams. Seam ONE sews all of the edges of the base, the cuff, and the trim together, and when you turn it right side out there are zero raw edges there. Seams 2 and 3 create a clean French seam across the bottom, and seams 4 and 5 do the same along the long sides. Absolutely no raw edges anywhere, and in only 5 simple seams.

This pink and green frog pillowcase was quickly created in between sewing all of the blocks together for one diagonal row of FWS. And the blue one with chickadees on the cuff is done too.
Sweet and simple!
So pretty:)
Lovely Pillowcases. They are very addictive. Every time I made one, I ended up making four :-D Fortunately, there are worthy causes everywhere. Hope you have a great weekend.
Such pretty bright colors! 🥰
It's nice to have a bit of other stitching to work in with some of the tedious things needed to finish a project. Love the color combinations in both pillow cases, very bright and fun.
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