One step at a time, but I'm slowly trying to get my fabric and tools under control. It hasn't been easy, but it has been interesting - because I keep finding things that I didn't remember having.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Still organizing and still finding things
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
More Gingham progress
Over the weekend I made a new green Gingham block for RSC since the March color was green, and the end of the month is near. Since I'm getting close to having enough blocks to finish the quilt top, I decided to see what colors would be good choices for those final additions. There were already 2 dark green Gingham blocks and 2 lime green ones, so this one is made with some medium greens. Here it is laying on top of the 2 bunches of previous blocks.

Monday, March 29, 2021
Design Wall Monday - March 29 - Roll On blocks
What is on your design wall this morning? I'm linking up -
My design wall is full of Roll On blocks, ready for sewing into rows. I may have to "live" with this layout for a couple of days while I redistribute colors for a better balance.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Quick Strippee with sheep
Another UFO bites the dust! This Quick Strippee baby quilt is all bound. It will most likely be a donation quilt. So cute! And so easy!!
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Just a bit of sewing
I didn't spend much time in my sewing room yesterday at all, but I did get some stitching done. The most recent 4 Tulip Time (Blossom Time) blocks were sewn into a "quad" section. This is number 13.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Spring decorating
The big round coffee table in my living room has had a puzzle going on it continuously since last March. Not the same puzzle of course, but lots and lots of different ones in succession. There is a huge stack of puzzle boxes on a shelf in the basement storage area. They helped keep me sane!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Random stuff
Yesterday was a strange day - grey, cold, and rainy. And I woke up extra early, which is so unlike me. After nearly 3 hours catching up with my online students, it was time to do something else besides sitting at the computer screen. I felt very restless and couldn't seem to finish anything I started the rest of the day.
Boredom caused me to start day dreaming, and that made me remember that I had another UFO that needed binding. So, I made binding for the Ohio Star quilt, but then didn't actually attach it to the quilt. Maybe that will happen over the weekend.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Just a little stitching
After a week with lots of time in my sewing room, this week has begun very slowly in terms of any stitching. But that is OK. The only sewing that happened at all yesterday was a little binding. I'm about halfway around the third side of this baby quilt. The silver grey polka dot from the quilt front is also being used as the binding.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Design Wall Monday - March 22
Sunday, March 21, 2021
What is next?
Just yesterday I posted about NOT getting carried away with something new. And here I am planning something new already.
On Friday I picked up 2 quilts from the quilter, and have begun binding the first one. Both of these are UFO projects that I'll happily check off the list. And both are probably destined to be given away as gifts within the next couple of months. Yay!
And I also finished the tops for 2 more neglected projects this week. That means I have earned something new, right? So, what's next? I'm going to keep plugging along with the other items on my goal list - like blocks for RSC and some Simple Whatnot projects. But I've also pulled out another PIG - a Project in a Grocery Sack.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Bunny friends
It's green month for RSC, so how could I resist making a green friend for my lavender bunny?
Friday, March 19, 2021
Borders and backings
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Knowing better is doing better
I'm feeling extremely happy that I had only made 2 blocks of Urban Cabin before putting it away. I hadn't even cut any additional parts, which is lucky for me. I was sewing along on Monday morning and feeling optimistic that I would get the whole top (except for borders) done before lunch. And then I hit a brick wall . . .
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Country Bunny block
A second post today - but this one is quilty rather than snowy.
On January 1 of this year I began keeping track of quilt blocks made, as well as finished projects on a spreadsheet. There is a tab for blocks, a tab for finishes, a tab for UFOs, etc. And there is a paper copy in my sewing room that I write on as I make new blocks, and then I can update the spreadsheet itself about once a week.
With the addition of this lavender bunny block, I've reached 201 blocks so far for 2021 - according to my spreadsheet. I think my favorite thing is making individual blocks, but I was still surprised at how quickly they've added up in just a couple of months. Most all of those blocks are parts of "sets" of blocks for on-going projects, and in a couple of cases there are now enough for a quilt top.
Spring snow and family
Well . . . I need to preface this by saying lots of folks got WAY more snow than we did, and for that I'm grateful. But it rained all day Sunday before the snow started in the evening so there is plenty of ice underneath the snow to add to the mess.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Design Wall Monday - March 15 Urban Cabin
My design wall (floor) this morning is covered with Urban Cabin, a long-term UFO that just finally saw the light of day last week after years of hiding away.
All 25 blocks are laid out and the first border sections are also pieced. My task today will be sewing some rows together, while it snows outside again. I think I set this aside after the first 2 blocks because I didn't care for the colors. But now that it has reached this stage it's definitely growing on me. Plus I like the blocks so much that this pattern will definitely be a keeper.
I'm linking up to:
Design Wall Monday
Monday Making
Oh Scrap!
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Urban Cabin progress
Urban Cabin is a UFO that has spent several years hidden in a box, with only 2 blocks made. And today I'm please to say there are 20 of the 25 blocks made with the other 5 prepped and ready to sew. Hopefully I can sew those tomorrow morning before heading to our granddaughter's birthday celebration - assuming the winter storm hasn't hit yet.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Picking another UFO and progress on a WIP
I decided it was time to tackle another UFO to make some forward progress. The APQ UFO Challenge this month drew #11, and one of my projects for that number is Urban Cabin.